Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reading Schedule for 7 Habits REVISED on 1/21/11

As with my AP class, you are going to take ownership of reading this novel. It may cause you to squirm a little, but I promise I am only doing it because I want you to become a highly effective teenager! On the dates indicated, you will be taking a quiz for the chapter listed. For any quiz you earn a D or an F, you will receive a pink slip (failure slip) for your parents to sign. After four failed quizzes, I will request a parent conference. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR NOT READING! You will also be put into reading groups, so you can read to each other over the phone, Skype, or collaborate on the readings.

1/25 - "Get in the Habit" (We'll read this in class)
1/27 - "Paradigms and Principles"

1/31 - "Personal Bank Account"
2/2 - "Be Proactive" (pgs. 48-61)
2/4 -
"Be Proactive" (pgs. 62-72)
2/8 - "Begin With the End in Mind"
2/10 - "Put First Things First"
2/14 - "The Relationship Bank Account"
2/16 - "Think Win-Win"
2/22 - "Seek First to Understand Then Be Understood"
2/24 - "Synergize"
2/28 - "Sharpen the Saw"
3/2 - "Keep Hope Alive"

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