Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome to C-Rod's DREAM TEAM

Forget Wade, Bosh and James! C-Rod's class is the TRUE DREAM TEAM!!!!

This school year is going to be an exciting SEASON of victories and triumphs, and I am honored to be your learning coach.

We are going to use this blog as part of our PLAY BOOK to better us as a TEAM! On this blog, you will find tips for homework and projects, extra credit assignments, recaps of activities, a list of upcoming assignments, videos and slideshows of our BEST PLAYS, among many other resources.

As your COACH, I expect my PLAYERS to view, learn from, and comment on our PLAY BOOK. I recommend that you look at our PLAY BOOK at least every other day.

Your first assignment is to create an ID and/or email account then post a comment. Your ID/Email MUST include your first name, only your last initial and your period number (Google e-mail is free, by the way). For example, a student named Christy Lopez in period 2 would have an ID/email of ChristyL2. This will help me identify you easier. If I have you for two classes, you only need to add one of the two period numbers, not both. I highly recommend that you ALL jot down your ID somewhere visible (maybe put it on a post-it note and stick it on your computer). You will need to use this every time you post.

Once you create your ID, comment under this post. I want a quick blurb on what you would like to see happen during our SEASON as the Dream Team. Please know that "doing nothing" and "sleeping" is not an ideal response. I promise you, that will never happen! I really would like to know what you want to get out of my class! Please remember that your comments should be mature, insightful, grammatically correct, and PG-rated!

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call on me. I am here to guide, lead, and coach you! See you on the playing field for PRACTICE, and be ready to help create our TEAM GOALS!

Coach C-Rod


jackiefi$$h said...

What is up CROD!!!! XD
Another year with you!. amazing ...(hopefully I don't die!)

Anyhow, What do I expect this year? In your class, I expect the non-expected anyways. But I do expect a lot of work and pain in the butts :O. (in a good way! ;) But I'm looking forward to monday mornings, starting off in your class. Pump me up for the rest of the year!! wooop woop! :D

- Jackiefish (:

JohanaMp2 said...

Heyy, C-Rod. Reunited again  I missed so much. I had a load of fun freshman year, and I’m hoping for the same junior year. What am I expecting this year? A lot tears, sweat and work. I expect stress but over all a great experience and a 5 in my exam.
-Johana Macias Pd.2

Anonymous said...

Hey C-Rod, basically I want to learn from the first day, till the last day. I hope to pass my AP test with a 5, and I want to learn as much as possible. Of course with hard work comes SOME play ;D. See you on the first day.
-Roxy Secas, Pd. 1

Laysu said...

Hey hey ;)

Incredible, god is good another year with you! YAY!

C-rod, I would like to do many activities that relate to our theme the same has last year. I want to learn different techniques to pass that Ap exam. Mostly, I'm going to put maximum effort to pass this Ap test and I know you will do your part has our teacher!!!

Much love and blessings... See you soon :)

ashleyG2 said...

Hello C-Rod, I am so thrilled to be in your class once again this year. I am looking forward to doing a ton of activities and working my hardest. I know you have new and innovative lessons planed up for us and can’t wait to get started. Wishing this year will be at least half as pleasurable as the last.

With love, Ashley

DimeshaS1 said...

Hey Crod,
Well, I expect the class to be as fun as 9th grade year and I'm hoping to pass the AP Exam. But mostly I'm excited to be in your class this year and I'm sure that you're going to keep us on our toes to heighten our experience. :)
-Dimesha Suazo Period: 1

Unknown said...

Hey C-Rod,
It's going to be another amazing year because I have you as my teacher again this year. I'm looking forward on activities and working my hardest on assignments. I can't wait to see what you have planned for us this coming up year.

Erika M. Pd2

LisaimyM2 said...

Hey Coach C-Rod,
I'm looking forward to do many creative and hands on acitivities, to read more interesting novels like the Tipping Point, and to have fun while learning in your class!
See you soon,
Lisaimy aka Lizzie

AlexandriaS2 said...

CROD! I finally have you as a teacher!! (: To begin with, I want to earn a 5 on that test. I know it'll be a lot of work, but it'll be worth it when those test results come in! I'm expecting some good debates in this class also and lots of fun, cool activities. It'll be a great year, I'm sure of it.

See you soon!
Alexandria Segovia P2

JohandraD said...

Hi C-Rod!
I'm looking forward to reading more interesting stuff and passing the AP exam with your help! I'm sure it's going to be a good year.
I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!
-Johandra Delgado

MelissaB1 said...

Hey there CROD!
I'm looking forward to meeting you firt and foremost. I'm also expecting loads of hard work (what AP class wouldn't have that?) and I've heard that you are a cool and fun teacher, so I can't wait to see how the class turns out.
-Melissa Barquin <3

@|\|TH0|\|Y Per.1 said...
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@|\|TH0|\|Y Per.1 said...

hi ms. i miss you so muchh. i love you and always will. see you tomorrow.

EstefaniaD1 said...

Hey CRod,
I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow morning in first period.Some expectations I have for this year, and this course in particular, is to pass the AP Exam with a decent score. I know there will be hardwork to be done, but I also hope we can find some time for a litte fun, as well. I'm excited to see how this year goes.
-Estefania Diaz

yeceniaR3 said...

Hey CRod :),
I am trilled and looking forward to being your student for the 2010-2011 school year. To begin with, I am looking forward to learning everything you have to offer in your English 2 Honors class. From the moment I set foot in your class, to the moment I leave. I expect our class to read and interpret novels. I hope this school year, with you as my teacher, will make English more exciting.
-Yecenia Ramirez, Pd.3

agniel34 said...

Hey CRod
I am happy to have you this year and am looking forward to learning a lot from you and am expecting a lot of work

Daniel said...

Hey miss. Pretty much what I want to accomplish in your class is to have better grammar and to pass that big test. Im looking foward to all the fun activities and anything else you have to offer. I can tell that this school year is going to be and exciting one.

AmandaT1 said...

Hey Crod
Well what i was honestly looking forward to the most was meeting and experiencing the teacher that everyone was always fussing about. I'm also hoping to pass the Ap language test with some hardwork and tears along the way, but overall just a memorable year. :D

Amanda T.

Anonymous said...

Hey C-Rod,
Everyone talks highly of you and how you are a funny yet amazing teacher so I'm looking forward to learning things I never would have thought I would even understand. I hope to amplify my vocabulary so I can use the big words I learn to sound smarter when talking to adults :D

Stephanie Mena

Anonymous said...

Hey C-Rod,
I am definitely looking forward to this school year and especially to your class. I am willing to put in all of my effort and pass the AP exam. We will make this an unforgettable year and even though it may get tough at times, I will not give up. :D

Adriana Diaz

BrianE5 said...

Hey Miss. Rod

To start off this comment i will have to say that you are a teacher i had never experience before and i hope we can have fun at the class like we did today. Well it seems pretty simple enough what are some of the accomplshmentsin your class. This whole year i am determine to learn how to become a better speller, and also get my grammer up just a bit. I can't wait for all the fun activities we are going to be doing in your class. Anyway, great blog, and i'll see you at period:5&6


gilberts3 said...

Hey Mrs.Crod

Todays class was awsome I got scared because I thought you were gonna be a mean teacher but instead you were really cool and you seem to care alot about your students I expect this year with you that I will be able to pass the fcat and learn how to write and read better thank you and see you at 3rd period

NathalieA5 said...

Hey Mrs.Rodriguez,

I am expecting to see a lot of interaction between the class and the teacher. I am also expecting fun activities throughout the year. I hope to have a great year in your classes and learn a lot, which I'm sure I will.


GloriaB1 said...

Hi Crod.

Today class was really good. I got a little scared with all the work we are going to have, but I hope I can do it all with no problems. You seem like a really nice teacher that cares for her students to do good. What I expect from this class is to learn as much as I can, get better with my grammar and pass the AP test.

BarbaraF1 said...

Hey C-rod !
I'm excited to see what this year will bring, and what challenges i am going to be faced with while taking this AP English course. I am up for the challenge and hoping to learn plenty with the expectations of passing the AP exam. It was nice meeting you today, you seem like a great teacher! (:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Rodriguez,
Today’s class was fun and interesting. I am a little worried about how much work we are going to have in your class. But I know it is going to pay off at the end. I want to pass the FCAT reading and the FCAT writing. I expect to learn many new and exciting things in your class.

AshleyO1 said...

I'll admit I'm a bit tentative about having a brand new English teacher this year. However, I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you and am just as excited as I am nervous :) what would I like to learn this year? I'd definitely like to broaden my vocabulary. Like yourself, I'm a bit of a grammar freak as well and like to think that my syntax in generally right most of the time. I look forward to a wonderful school year with you :)

-Ashley Orozco, Pd. 1

Anonymous said...

Hey C-Rod,
I must say that although you can be a little intimidating, you seem like a great teacher and I am really looking forward to your class. This year I expect to work hard and learn a lot (of course!) but I really hope to get better at writing so I can pass the AP exam. I also hope we get to do fun activities in class and creative projects. I’m really worried about the SAT’s, but like you said, all the work we will do in your class will pay off. It feels like it’s going to be a very productive and wonderful year :D

-Geovanna Arias <3

CarolinaM1 said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez,

I am excited to see what this new school year is going to bring and what it is going to be like to have a new English teacher for the first time in two years, however, according to what I have heard I am sure it is going to work out great. There are a few things I would like to accomplish this school year especially in this class. At the very top would have to be expanding my vocabulary, improving my writing and of course passing that AP exam towards the end of the year! :)

-Carolina Moncion, Period 1

Unknown said...

Hey C-Rod,

I think it is going to be a fun year with you as a teacher, as from what I heard from you, you are an awesome teacher. I think I am going to achieve many things, and learn alot this year, as in passing the FCAT, having more knowledge in reading and writing. It looks like its going to be a good year. Cant wait!

- Elizabeth Diaz, Period #3

MichelleB34 said...

Hey C-Rod,

I hope to learn alot this year, i hope to improve my vocabulary,improve my spelling, improve the speed of my reading and hopefully aquire the skills to pass the reading Fcat this year.

- Michelle Bueno, period 3 and 4

MichelleB34 said...


adrianah5 said...

I'm looking forward to your class and the challenges it will bring during the year.

Adriana (:

Ricardo said...

Hopefully this year I will learn more than I already did with you last year. You helped me pass the FCAT and I am 100% sure you are going to help me pass the AP Exam. I know it wont be an easy ride but I am ready for anything.

-Ricardo Pimentel

Gilbert said...

Hey C-Rod,

Well I'm definetly excited for your class this year. I've only heard good things about you and your class so I'm not too worried. I'm looking forward to class discussions and interesting books as well. Can't forget getting a 5 on that test! I guess I'll see you bright and early tomorrow :)

Gilbert Soles P.2

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez
I’m very excited about your class, especially because you seem like a teacher who likes to make her class interesting and fun. Love the energy that you add when you are teaching, that makes the class fun and it makes me stay awake. I’m looking forward class discussions and interesting books. I hope to improve my vocabulary and my spelling.

MiraidysH56 said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez
I’m very excited about your class, especially because you seem like a teacher who likes to make her class interesting and fun. Love the energy that you add when you are teaching, that makes the class fun and it makes me stay awake. I’m looking forward class discussions and interesting books. I hope to improve my vocabulary and my spelling.

VanessaD. P#2 said...

Im so happy that I have you again this year. :D You are so fun and chill and I love you alot :))). I am looking foward to expanding my vocabulary in this class and passing the AP test. :)

-VanessaD. Period #1

Unknown said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriquez, I’m so glad to finally be reunited with you in English class this year. Our 9th grade experience had its ups and downs, but was overall such a wonderful and great experience. Being back in your class I expect to become a better writer and person as a whole. Even though I know I’ve improved a lot throughout the years with my past English teachers. I still feel the need for improvement. I want to learn how to easily tell what point an author is trying to come across. I’m longing for more knowledge on analyzing text better and reading in between the lines. Which I can’t do all that well. You’re a great teacher and I know for a fact I will pass my AP Language and Composition exam having you as my coach.

lismauryG3 said...

Hi mrs Rodriguez I look foward to get a better score on the FCAt and to learn new vocabulary to get a better score on the FCAt writing.

melissag1 said...

Hi Mrs.Rodriguez,
This year i expect to get a 5 on the A.P. exam! I know it will be a lot of work, but I am ready to take on the challenege.
-Melissa Gonzalez :)

venice said...

This year am hoping to learn more about writting and gain enough knowledge to pass my fcat with a higer percentage then i did the year before. I am also hoping to interact with other students and be able to voice my opinions and learn to get out of my confort zone.

Valerie AP said...
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Valerie AP said...

Hello :)
well Mrs. C-Rod, im looking foward to an exciting english class where we hopefully can really become a close family. I really would love to get close to you along with my classmates because it is important to me. I expect to put my english and writting skills in practice while handleing challenging work and tasks, so that in the future I will be prepared and ready for what may come in my path after highschool in the real world. I trust in myself as well as in God that I will succeed and reach my goals stored in heart and mind.
-Valerie Perdomo :D

Maytte said...

Hey Mrs.Rodriguez,

What I hope to learn in your class this year is new and exciting ways to learn new material. I hope to have a great relationship with a great teacher like yourself as i seen thous far. But my overall goal is to have a way higher score in the readinhg f-cat prior to the one that I had last year.

~Maytte Castro pd3&4

Unknown said...

Hey Mrs.Rodriguez,

Can't wait to see how fun your class is. I hope to have a great year with you.

Natalia Guevara pd.5&6

MaxO3 said...

Hello C-Rod,

I am hoping to have a great year in your class and am very excited to see what activities you have planned out,I expect to learn a lot from your class and also to get better at reading and writing.Although I know it is going to be a challenging class and it might not be so easy I am going to put all my mind into it to succeed.

HugoM45 said...

Hey Mrs. Rodriguez,
Well you seem like a really cool teacher. I hope we can be close like a family, as well with my classmates. Hope we have a great year together.

~ Hugo M. Pd. 4&5

Pearl said...

Hey C-Rod,
I hope to have an incredible year & bond with you like mother & child, I will try my best to make you proud & learn a lot from both of your classes. Let's make it a fun & learning year XD

Pierina P.3&4

smangels1 said...

Hey C-Rod,
I have never had you for a class before but I'm excited nonetheless. The first day of class was great & I know the classes that follow will not fall short. This year I hope to learn all that I can while still having a great time. Oh yeah, and pass my AP test!
-Stephanie Mangels, Pd. 1

Valeria Vargas :} said...

Hello Hello CROD! :)
Well although I wasn't suppose to be place din your class, I'm very pleased to have been able to start this year with the warm welcome you gave our class. You seem like an amazing and outstanding teacher in both your career and at heart. Moreover I'm looking forward to gain a lot of knowledge from the next days I have to absorb from you in the classroom environment. Hopefully they place me in the 'English 3 Honors' class with you and this is because I've heard nothing but great comments in reference to you and your teaching style. I'm up for the challenges you'll face me with & more than ready for this school year.
I thank you in advance for your time and dedication, God Bless You today and always. :}

* Valeria Vargas, Period 2

miozotisL6 said...

Hey miss!. I'm so glad that I have a wonderful teacher such as yourself. I'm looking forward to the next year with you in your class. Your'e the best teacher I have had so far. Lots of hugs and love.
Your student, Miozotis

miozotisL6 said...

*Mrs.Rodriguez. Sorry for the mistake

Unknown said...

(Period 3&4)
As I enter my second year in the gardens in this amazingly beautiful new year. I’ll like to learn in reading and in English class dramatically increase my reading skills to use in my daily life. Also raise and get a better and higher FCAT score this year. I’m really looking forward to your class, Mrs. C-Rod.


JackelynO34 said...

Hey, Ms.Rodriguez
Im extremly thrilled to have you this year. I know for a fact you will help me pass the fcat with flying colors. Not only would I like to pass the fcat but I want to become better at everything regarding language arts. Well im look forward to having a blast with you as my coach / language arts teacher. I love you Ms.Rodriguez! 
Jackelyn Ochoa34

VeronicaP said...

Hey C-Rod,

Junior year by itself seems to uphold many expectations so far. But the way I look at things, the best way to approach any given situation is to hope that you learn valuable lessons that will stay with you for a lifetime. Others hope for improvement and of course in the long run, success. This I believe is essential as a strong head set for the beginning of the year, but I also believe it's important to expect an experience that will not only bring laughs and "good times", but an addition, an experience to challenge and prepare others for the future that awaits every individual.


ScarlettM1 said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez,

To be honest, I never chose this class and after such a warm welcome, I don’t want to switch out. I am nervous and realize that I will have to work harder than my other classes, since English is my weakness. From this class, I expect to stress a lot, maintain no lower than a B (but will reach for an A), and at least pass with a 3 on the AP exam.

-Scarlett Marzo, Period 1

Giannixa G said...
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Giannixa G said...

Hello Mrs. Rodriguez
I’m very pleased and thankful to have you as my English 1 and Reading teacher. I hope to achieve greater things in your class. I’d like to get atleast a 4 or even a 5 in the Fcat reading and writing.
-Giannixa G. 5&6

t_v_1994 said...

Hey C-Rod,

I'm loving both my classes with my coach and I look forward to many challenges with you there to help me face them. I'm expecting some fun and creative yet hard assignments this year, but whatever the case may be I know i'm in great hands. I believe in myself and I know I have you there to help me improve in Language Arts. I'm most definitely looking forward to spending the year with you to reach my goal.I love you!!!


CJ Rodriguez, Period 6 said...

Hey Mrs Rodriguez or Mom, I don't know which one to pick.

First things first, what I want to see in this class is for me to survive. Coming into this class I was quite nervous because all I've heard about you from former students is that you're tough. All though I have come to a realization. I have trusted you for my first 16 years and I will not change that. I'm looking forward to a fun year of learning and me passing the AP exam!!!

Love your son/student C-Rod Jr....

henrym2 said...

Hey C-ROD!,

This is going to be a crazy year with all the work that's going to be laid down on my shoulders. But, I'm planning to look forward do my work and the reward will be passing the AP Exam. Having everyone again in the class is warming and I'm glad I have another year with you!

Your DJ UpTempo,
Henry :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Crod :)
What I'm looking forward to this year is you pushing me to the max . So I can achieve the goals I plan to get . I know its goin to be tough but I know you do it for all the right reasons . I'm looking forward to your class this year . :)

FreddyM. Pr 56 :)

@|\|TH0|\|Y Per.1 said...

only cuz I love you

Unknown said...

Hello Mrs C-Rod,

I am very happy that I am able to have you as a teacher. I know I will have a great amount of fun in your class this year because you are a great teacher and I know for a fact I will learn a lot this year in you class. I expect this year to be the year where i get a 4 or 5 on the
FCAT because I know you will teach me the skills I need to succeed in literature.

Isfrain Ferreiro

JazyTheGreat5 said...

Hey Mrs.C-Rod. Well I'm happy to have you as a teacher. I hope these two classes with you will help me actually pass the Fcat this year :)

ArianaV. said...

Hi Mrs C-rod!!!,

I was very excited to find out that you are my english teacher this year since I've heard from alot of friends that you're awesome! I expect to be almost an expert in english and never make a grammatical error when I write or type assignments, read tons of books since I love to read :) and pass the class this year with a high grade!

Ariana Villafane P1

Unknown said...

Hey C-Rod,

My brother had you for a month in the summer when he was a in 10th grade and told me you were a good teacher I'm looking forward to spend my sophomore year in your reading class. :D


Unknown said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez:}

Well I can expect it to be as challenging as Dr. Louis' class with just as much work. You seem like a really great teacher, and I just hope as the year goes by I don't get lazy and fail in life.

Unknown said...

Hey C-Rod,

I think it is going to be a good year with you as a teacher, what I heard from you was that you are an amazing teacher. I think I will achieve many things, learn alot of things this year, passing the FCAT, having more knowledge in reading and writing. It looks like its going to be a good year.

- Tiffany Calas, Period #5

Robert said...

Hi C-Rod,
Sorry if my e-mail isnt the same as my name I couldn't make a new one.But anyways this is Robert Castillo from 5th and 6th period.And what I really want to get out of your class is a good time a good school year. I a aware that we need to work very hard to get out of intesive and pass the F.C.A.T but I look forward to it being a nice and easy school year although we need to work hard at least hopefully it will be pretty chill.
-Robert Castillo 5th Period.

Unknown said...

Hey Ms. C-Rod,
I have heard a lot about you. I have been told that you are an amazing teacher and I hope to benefit from this class, by improving my English and reading skills. I am looking forward to having a good time in your class, full with many learning experiences. (:

-Emmanuel Gonzalez, Period 1

Anonymous said...

Hey C-Rod,

I knew right off the bat the moment I came into the room I felt a good vibe. I can tell that I'm going to learn a lot in your class, and that it's going to be a really fun experience, I can't wait.

Love , Samantha Collazo, Period#3,4.

DianneG5 said...

Hey C-Rod,

I'm very happy to have you as a teacher. I'm really looking forward to your class. I hope I can achieve more than last year. And I'm confident that I can pass the FCAT with your class.

-Dianne Gonzalez Period 5&6

GregoryM said...

Hey, Mrs. C-Rod
Well this year what I hope to find out of your class is better FCAT score. Hopefully this is the year.

GregoryM said...

3&4 Period*

lidiaa :D said...

Hey Ms.R

This year im looking forward to score higher on the f-cat.The past years have not been the best but hopefully with your help that won't happen this time. I'm really looking forward to having a new expierience in your class.

sincerely Lidia Martinez, period 6

GabrielM said...

Hey, Mrs. C-Rod
Period 5&6

Hey Miss I am really looking foward to tommorrows class. This year I hope to make it the last year of taking the FCAT and I would like to improve my reading.

GaryD2 said...

Heloo Mrs.C-Rod
period 2.

So let me say hello ,and i am looking foward for a amazing school year and to have a great time in your class , but at the same time focus on the work im assigned. See you soon!


-Gary ;P

Unknown said...

Hey Mrs. C-Rod,
I'm looking forward to your class tomorrow morning. What i look forward to this year is to be the best student with the highest score in FCAT writing and reading test. Also, to improve my pace in reading books and how I can express myself better in writing.


GenesisM1 said...

Hey C-Rod, :-)

Last class I finally had the pleasure of meeting you, the “infamous C-Rod" (woot woot). I can't wait to see what's in store for us this year. I feel as if this year will consist of lots of hard work, productivity, excitement, tears, and experiences - that will only lead to a great, memorable year in the long run. Also, I’m confident that your class will give us the boost we need in order to pass the AP Language exam. I'm truly looking forward to being a part of C-Rods Dream team!!! :-D

- Genesis Merino, Period 1 <3

KatherineDpr5 said...


FCAT is a killer, but I am sure that by having you as a teacher, I would be able to take the FCAT without a flinch. XD

-Katherine Diaz period 5

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

Hi, all! I am so glad you all are in my class. WE ARE A FAMILY!!!!!!!! Though there may be some days we get on each others' nerves, we will have a great time. You all are already special to me, and I really look forward to this year.

Love, C-Rod

rey said...

Hi ms.C-Rod I hope to widen my vocabulary skills and to learn proper grammer.i can not wait to begin really work with you.

StephAnnR1 said...

CROD I had posted this already but it seems my computer and its virus ridden ways caused the dilema of me post not showing. Anyway I'm SUPER excited to be in your class once again. You who brought education to a whole new light where can actually enjoy the process. I hope to learn this year like every year excellent time management, and obtain a wider range for my vocabulary. Unconventional yet amzing Mrs. Rodriguez :D!!!! - Stephanie Reyes Period 1

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Rodriguez I hope to have an amazing school year in your class my friends that had you last year had a blast. I would also like to to expand my vocabulary and grammar since I've never been really good at it and I want too learn alot about Englilsh in your class
Ernesto periods 3 and 4

AdisneyP. #1 said...

Hey hey Mrs.
What I want to get out of this school year is lots of new vocabulary and tons of new things I did not know last year. I would love to make my grammar a lot better since we are only steps away from college :)

Thank you for being an amazing teacher :)

Adisney xD

Unknown said...

Hello. (: Although I wasn’t supposed to be placed in your AP class and will probably not be in it much longer, I know I’ll enjoy the remainder of my time spent in it. I can’t honestly say that there is really something I’d like to see happen in this class within the next few times I attend. (I just hope there aren’t any more quizzes on summer work! D:) From what I’ve seen of you and heard from others, you seem like a wonderful teacher. Too bad you don’t have honors for 2nd period because I can’t switch around my schedule. Maybe next year? (:

AndyC.6 said...

Hello Mrs.Rodriguez :P
This year i hope to be transferred to an honors
English class because i wasn't supposed to be in
AP English and if i were to stay i would fail.
I also hope there will not be any more quizzes on
summer work x] I promise you i won't do well on it. Sorry for the username by the way, it's for
another class. I'm in your second period

GretelB2 said...

Hey Mrs. C-Rod :)
This year I expect a lot of effort and time to be dedicated to class and I also expect plus hope to learn a lot of new vocabulary that will help me out with the SAT coming up. It seems like it will be a difficult yet fun class :D

Unknown said...

Hey C-Rod,

I think it is going to be a good year with you as a teacher, what I heard from you was that you are an amazing teacher. I think I will achieve many things, learn alot of things this year, passing the FCAT, having more knowledge in reading and writing. It looks like its going to be a good year.

- Tiffany Calas, Period #5

stephanief5 said...

Hello, favorite teacher of mine (:

I wanted to let you know so far you seem like a great teacher, even though it has only been a few days. I am really not looking forward to all the work your going to assign to us, but i guess this is all apart of my sophomore year learning experience. I'm looking forward to what your class has to offer, see you tomorrow. Ciao

-Stephanie F, Period #5

Monica Hernandez said...

Hello C-rod ,

Missed me much? I know I was lucky enough to have you as my teacher again and for 2nd period again too :D thank god. This year I'm looking foward to expanding my vocabulary so I can have great scores on the ACT and SAT. Also, I am so excited in having to read those book that are ever so intresting like how you say (LOL, for sure they will not be as intresting as New Moon.)

<3 Monica Hernandez
Period 2

BBonilla5 said...

Hey Mrs. C-Rod :)You seem like a really nice and good teacher. I'm looking forward to reading good books in your class and passing the FCAT with all that your going to teach.

DianaS2 said...

I guess my previous post didn't go through but any who, this I'm just really looking forward to passing your class with either an A or a B. Though my class grade matter a lot, I'm also looking forward to improving my writing skills and expanding my vocabulary. I've heard many good things about you, now I'd like a few of my own memories.

DianaS Period:2

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

Hey there, guys and gals! Keep those posts coming! LOVE YOU ALL!

jayjay said...

Hey Crod
It’s Johnny C. from your 2nd period. I'm expecting many things from this year, but from the short time that I’m going to be in your class I’m just expecting my vocabulary to expand. If I do stay in the class I’m just expecting all my literary skills to improve…. that my testing skills.

kayla sanmartin said...

Hey C-Rod! It's great to see you again this year :) My expectations for the upcoming year are, of course, to pass the AP test. I would also like to do well on the SAT test and I trust that all of those awesome vocabulary words will help accomplish that. I expect their to be extremely boring days but I also expect that there will be alot of fun times as well. I appreciate all that you do for your students and understand the stress that is undergone each night to make us all happy. It's going to be hard but I'll try my best. See you Monday!

Kayla SanMartin
Period: 2

StacyM2 said...

Hey CRod, I finally got the email account! Anyways, what I expect this year is a lot of work to get us ready for the AP exam. I refuse to settle for a 3 or lower. Not only that, but I also want to pass your class with an A or B. I know it will be challenging at times but I'm going to stick it through and try my best. Other than that, I just want to expand my vocabulary and improve from the beginning of the year to the end.

Stacy M.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I hope after so many tries this one works. Well like I said before I just want to be challenged in your class. As well as to pass the FCAT so I wouldn't take it in 11 th grade. I wish us the best of luck this year and I'm so excited for class activities including fieldtrips. If any. Thank you for beliving in us pretty soon we will believe our in ourselfs.

NatalieR1 said...

I wanted to challenge myself by taking this class in order to push myself. I know I tend to be lazy but I know that if I'm pushed enough I know I can eventually pull it off. Everyone that has had you have told me that you're a great teacher and since you're my cousin that's also a plus. I expect to get aggravated with the work I'm given, but hopefully I can get through it.


Anonymous said...

Believe in ourselfs. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Ourselves. Sorry again. Love Reina.

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

I do know that this will be an amazing year full of successes. With that said, with success, there is a TON OF EFFORT. I promise, though, it will be worth it in the end!


Anonymous said...

Am looking forward to each of your classes.


Natalie O. said...

Natalie O., 2nd Period

Hey Ms. Rodriguez!

What I'm looking to get out of this year in your class is more insight on what the English language truly consists of, and mainly to expand my vocabulary. It's a big deal for me to be easily expressed through writing, and it can't be any easier when you know just the right words to explain something. Looking forward to this year!

JenniferRp.3 said...

Hey C-Rod,
I hope this year you teach us like you taught us last year. It was fun and educational. I just want to learn from you again and help me prepare for the future; college. It's period 2 not 3, I don't know what happened. :/


IssisS1 said...

Hi C-Rod

I hope this year to get my butt kicked but learn as much as i can. I expect to improve on my writting skills and become a better reader. I hope learn how to see things in a different perspective. I am very excited for this class and I know its going to prepare me for college
Much love Issis P.1