CLICK HERE to access the PowerPoint and see the difference of the three kinds of sentences! Oh, and how to use semicolons! (We will do this in class, but it's good to review.)
CLICK HERE for your HW! (You can use Word, highlight, and print. Another option is to print it and use your own highlighter .)
CLICK HERE for the quiz (BTW, 80% of 11 is 8.8, so you have to get nine correct. Remember to print your results. This is also part of your HW!)
Mrs.Rodriguez I am unable to view the homework. Google Docs says that it is unable to retrieve the document for viewing. Should I see you tomorrow ?
P.S. Laysu is also having the same problem
love you ♥
Hey CRod,
Just wanted to let you know that Scarlett and I are having the same problem as Melissa P. & Laysu.
See you tomorrow,
Meli <3
Hi Crod,
I don't want to sound repetitive but I am also having problems accessing the homework.
-Johandra Delgado
Hey CRod,
Like the girls above, I'm having the same problem. The document doesn't show, it says "Sorry, we are unable to retrieve the document for viewing." I'm not quite sure what to do...
See you maƱana!
Genesis :-)
It worked at home and work yesterday, so who knows?!?!? I am going to post it at since they removed the filter.
It will be fixed in a few minutes :o)
Sorry for the glitch. The school board's constant access issues are forcing me to change up my blogging routine, and it's messing me up...and, worse, you too. I apologize. LOVE U ALL!
PS. Try to access the docs in a few (if you're awake. LOL!)
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